Home > Blossary: Галичник
Термини по кои е препознатливо селото Галичник

Category: Travel

17 Terms

Created by: alex sk

Number of Blossarys: 3

My Terms
Collected Terms

Највисок врв на планината Бистра, со висина од 2163 метри. Познат по изобилие на планински чај, кој најчесто се наоѓа на висорамнината под самиот ...

Domain: Tourism & hospitality; Travel; Category: Tourist attractions; Travel sites

Света Петка е месност и црква на приближно 7 километри од Галичник. Секој 19-ти Август (Преображение Христово) се оди на мала прошетка и ручек бо ...

Domain: Religion; Tourism & hospitality; Category: Christianity; Landmarks

Тешкото е македонско народно оро, се смета за едно од хајубавите и сигурно најтешките ора. Тешкото е машко оро. Се смета дека самото оро го симболизира тешкиот живот на Македонците бо 19 век. ...

Domain: Culture; Tourism & hospitality; Category: General culture; Tourist attractions

Upija is drinking water fountain in the middle of Galichnik Build in the thirties of the twentieth century by Doctor Gligor Muratovski, as a dedication to his parents. Upija is more than a ...

Domain: Travel; Category: Travel sites

Govedarnik is a name of a mountain peak, sheepfold and a karst field, located just above Galichnik. The sheepfold is the one of a very few still working. The peak is 2018 meters tall

Domain: Travel; Category: Travel sites

Medenica (mountain peak) is the highest point of the Bistra mountain. It's 2163 meters tall. Known for the abundance of mountain tea, which is usually found on the plateau just bellow the peak ...

Domain: Tourism & hospitality; Travel; Category: Tourist attractions; Travel sites

Bistra is a mountain that belongs to a young mountain chain in Western Macedonia. Famous for richness in a number of rare and medicinal herbs, like: wild thyme, St. John's wort, satureja etc... ...

Domain: Geography; Tourism & hospitality; Travel; Category: Geography; Tourist attractions; Travel sites

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